primary - english & hindi medium

Primary Perspectives, Endless Possibilities, Building Tomorrow, Today.

Why us

The best early learning experience

Welcome to the Primary Section in our school, where education blossoms, and young minds embark on an exciting journey of discovery. We take pride in fostering a nurturing environment where each child is encouraged to explore, learn, and grow. Our dedicated teachers are the architects of inspiration, creating an atmosphere that values curiosity, critical thinking, and the joy of learning.

At St. Joseph, we believe that education is a transformative journey, and we are committed to providing a holistic and enriching experience for our students. Welcome to a place where education is not just imparted but celebrated, and where every day brings new opportunities for growth and success.

Holistic approach

At our vibrant learning environment, we go beyond academics, nurturing not only the minds but also the hearts of our little learners.

Passionate teachers

Our passionate teachers are dedicated to creating a nurturing environment that sparks curiosity and fosters a love for learning

Kind supervision to keep children happy

Your child's happiness and well-being are at the heart of everything we do, making our preprimary school a place where they can learn, play, and grow joyfully.


Class Captain Election

Emphasizing the importance of leadership and responsibility, our Class Captain Election is a cherished tradition. Students get the chance to campaign, share their ideas, and be elected as representatives, fostering a sense of accountability from an early age.


Spell Bee

Language skills are fundamental, and our Spell Bee competitions provide a platform for students to showcase their linguistic prowess. The friendly competition enhances vocabulary, spelling, and public speaking skills in an engaging and supportive atmosphere


Computerized Exam

Keeping pace with the digital age, our primary students participate in computerized exams. This not only familiarizes them with technology but also cultivates a comfortable and confident approach to digital assessments.


Science Lab Activities

Our Science Lab is a hub of exploration. Through hands-on activities, students delve into the wonders of science, fostering a curiosity that lays the foundation for a lifelong love of learning.


Student House

Fostering a sense of community and healthy competition, students are grouped into houses. This system promotes teamwork, collaboration, and a friendly spirit of rivalry, enhancing the overall school experience.


Poster Presentation

Creativity and effective communication are vital skills. Through poster presentations, students express themselves visually, developing communication skills and confidence in presenting their ideas.


Gau Seva and Social Service Importance

We instill a sense of social responsibility through activities like Gau Seva (caring for cows) and engaging in social service projects. These experiences nurture empathy, compassion, and a deep understanding of one's role in the community.


Fun Fair

Our Fun Fair is a celebration of learning and togetherness. This annual event brings together students, parents, and teachers for a day of games, activities, and joy, strengthening the bonds within our school community

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Schedule & Other Details





Transportation Service will be provided by the school in nearby areas. Feel free to contact us.